Hair Rejuvination, Down to Earth.

Welcome to Cabelo Care, where the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda meets modern natural hair care. Discover our range of plant-based solutions for healthy, vibrant hair.


Discover Our Crowning


Chebe & Henna Hair Butter


Rosemary & Horsetail Hair Oil


Ayurvedic Hair Oil


Moisturizing Hair Cream


Handpicked by our loyal customers, these bestsellers stand as testaments to the effectiveness and quality of Cabelo Care's natural hair care line.

At Cabelo Care

We're rooted in the belief that nature holds the key to hair rejuvenation. Founded by Olivia, inspired by Ayurvedic traditions, our journey began with a personal quest for effective, natural hair care. Our products, deeply rooted in holistic practices, promote hair health, growth, and confidence.


Our Products

Explore Our Natural Elixirs: From nourishing hair oils to revitalizing treatments, each product is a testament to our commitment to quality and nature's gifts

Our Natural 


Nature's Best, Transparently Shared: We believe in the power of natural ingredients and their ability to transform hair. Discover the goodness within each bottle.


Going Back To The Roots

The ancient Ayurvedic practice of hair oiling is used to promote hair nourishment, minimize shedding, increase hair growth, thicken hair, and many more. Hair oiling has its origins in Ayurveda which is one of the well-known schools of medicine that offers holistic solutions and has been around for over 5,000 years and continues to benefit the mind, body, and soul. 

The name itself in Sanskrit (ancient text) means “Knowledge (Veda) of life (Ayu)” which translates to knowledge or science of life. Ayurveda encourages healthy lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is no coincidence that the Sanskrit word for “to oil is” "Sneha," which also means "to love”. South Asian families would apply hair oil on their loved ones as a form of bonding and a way of expressing their love for one another.

When you use Cabelo Cares Ayurvedic hair products you are not only strengthening and nourishing your hair, but you are also taking part in a centuries-old tradition of community that has been passed down from south Asian families for centuries.



2023 Cabelo Care. Made with love by Tagla Studios.